Ortofon Hi-Fi 40 Replacement Stylus for OM Cartridges - Nude Fritz Gyger 70 Stylus | Pro-Ject Audio Australia
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Ortofon Hi-Fi OM 40 Stylus

Moving Magnet Fritz Gyger 70 Stylus

The Ortofon OM40 Stylus is an optional upgrade for your existing Ortofon OM cartridge. It features a stunning Nude Fritz Geiger 70 stylus profile. 

You should upgrade your stylus when it starts to collect a lot of dust after each playback or when you notice some distortion and channel separation during listening.

We find with proper care, up to 1000 hours is possible without degradation of performance. To get more hours out of your next stylus, consider a Clean It stylus brush or Vinyl Clean compound to compliment your new stylus purchase.

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Arriving 18th September
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Stylus specifications:

  • Frequency range - 20-30.000 Hz
  • Frequency response - 20-30.000 Hz + 2 / - 3 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) - 95 µm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral - 25 µm/mN
  • Stylus type - Nude FG 70
  • Stylus tip radius - r/R 5/70 µm
  • *) Typical value
  • Equivalent stylus tip mass - 0.3 mg
  • Tracking force range - 1.25-1.75 g (12.5-17.5 mN)
  • Tracking force, recommended - 1.5 g (15 mN)
  • Tracking angle - 20°
  • Recommended for use with any OM or Super OM cartridges.

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